The Magani Hotel and Spa has a business centre located on the ground floor. Services include printing, scanning, photocopying to faxing of documents as well as other secretarial services and business support. Facilities include an iMAC workstation with complimentary broadband Internet access for the convenience of our guests.
The Magani Hotel and Spa has a business centre located on the ground floor. Services include printing, scanning, photocopying to faxing of documents as well as other secretarial services and business support. Facilities include an iMAC workstation with complimentary broadband Internet access for the convenience of our guests.
When you stay at The Magani Hotel and Spa, we have all your holiday needs covered with modern and complete facilities. From our laid-back restaurant and the main swimming pool in the center of the building to a nurturing spa and a well-equipped gym, it's perfect for your ultimate Bali break.